Due to the incendiary nature of these wildly incorrect claims, and the consequence of those claims being circulated, we released this video as an initial response.


Dr William Bay:
That's right Michael. I'm announcing right here and right now that the referendum of 2023 is invalid.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:
I want to make it very, very clear. It is not true.  There has been no high court victory.

Mike (Know Your Rights):
The court has chosen to refuse to file that paperwork

Aneeta Hafemeister:
And if you look at the actual documents, there was no victory.

Nick Patterson:
This guys are for the crap. He's just lying.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:
I want to make it very, very clear. It is not true, not true that the high court has struck down the referendum. It is not true. True. Some people are saying because they've seen this on social media that they don't need to vote anymore. No. That's what some people want you to do, not vote. The point is vote. Vote in this referendum and vote no.

Mike (Know Your Rights):
First and foremost, we have been absolutely inundated with emails, messages, posts, texts, you name it, with the video that's been doing the rounds, everyone on social media and the claims from Dr. William Bay that the voice referendum has somehow been declared unconstitutional by the high court, first and foremost, once properly challenged. Okay? And they're the key words properly challenged. Once properly challenged, the court must indeed declare a referendum valid. However, and this is one of the court's favourite strategies to avoid dealing with anything that's a little bit too difficult, that's a little bit too inconvenience that they really don't want to do. What they do is they simply refuse to file the actual paperwork, alright? And that is exactly what's happened in this instance. So here's the actual paperwork from the high court registry and right there you can very clearly see the court has chosen to refuse to file that paperwork until leave to do so, has been given. 

Dr William Bay:
My victory came this afternoon at 4:45 PM That's right Michael, I'm announcing right here and right now that the referendum of 2023 is invalid. It is unlawful. It has been lost. There is no hope for the yes vote at all. The no campaign has won and there is nothing anybody can do about it.

Aneeta Hafemeister:
What's been really disappointing lately though is lies within our own movement, I guess, and people not using discernment. I think when they probably should be, they're being, I don't know, told things that they really should be checking out and instead they're just following blindly. There has been a case supposedly in the courts and put forward by a certain person and they said that they had a victory and that the referendum on the yes no vote was not going to happen because of this victory in the court. And if you look at the actual documents, there was no victory. The documents were not accepted by the court. They're rejected. So I dunno how you call that a victory, unless we're redefining words now. We don't even know what a woman is anymore. So victory might mean something else to someone else.

Nick Patterson:
Hey guys, I just watched a video from that, William Bahi saying that he's sued the Commonwealth government and the referendums over. And I've done little bit of research, quite a few people have sent me different information and he's just talking absolute crap. It's complete crap. The guy's full of it and now he's claiming that he lives off donations and that he can't work in his medical job. Yep. Okay, I understand that. And he's also saying that he can't work in any job. And then he's saying that the court and Ara have stopped him from being able to work in any job. This guy's for the crap. He's just lying. I couldn't imagine any way possible that any government agency could stop somebody from not working in any job, whether it be a R or that's literally what he said. He didn't just say that. He didn't say that he's been suspended from working in his field of work. He literally said, because he elaborated on it and he said, I can't work in any job. I'm not allowed to. I live off donations may. If this isn't a orphan sheep's clothing, I don't know what is.

The misinformation from our side needs to stop. It's nothing but a distraction causes confusion and waste resources. There has been no challenge against the referendum in the high court of Australia. The referendum has not been found to be unconstitutional. There has been no high court victory. Okay? Nothing has changed. The refer referendum will continue on October 14, it will go to vote. What he's saying is he's found a technicality, which is there's a referendum law which states only the title of the law to be changed should be on the ballot paper. He goes on to say, but the constitutional law says that the whole law should be present on the ballot paper. Okay, cool. Maybe that's right. Maybe it's not. I haven't looked into that part yet. Why haven't I looked into it? Because it doesn't matter. It's a technicality. If you get 'em on that, they'll change the ballot paper to make it suit.

The next day. Referendum will go ahead. If you really want to dig into illegitimacy, this government, the whole government's illegitimate. You can't look back 60,000 years. You had a whole group of people living all over this land for 60,000 plus years that were here. They were well-structured. Then all of a sudden you have an invasion of people kill murder, rape, their original inhabitants. They stick a red, white and blue flag in the ground. They create a so-called government, they claim alias and think that's legitimate. Sorry. They know it's not legitimate. And that's the whole reason for this voice. So you've got the government that's legitimate, you've got the referendum that's IEG legitimate, but these things are still happening and they still have to be addressed. And sometimes you have to play in their field to put things in stops, to put things in play to stop 'em. And I'm saying, I know, I understand your theories and I agree with some of what you're saying guys about, I don't want to partake in that fraud. I get it. But if you don't, imagine if you all said that, then all the delusional people voting yes. Guess who wins? They do. And then all of a sudden this gets a whole shit load harder all of a sudden. So my opinion guys and my, I'm encouraging people to vote no.