Dear editors,

This morning in Main Street, Mt Tamborine, volunteer drivers for the mobile billboard came out from an auto business to discover that a woman was vandalising the display with black spray paint.  Despite being asked to stop by the driver, the woman continued to spray paint over the billboard.

The following statement can be attributed to TPR founder Tristan Van Rye:

“We have previously had rocks and bottles thrown at The People's Revolution ‘Vote No’ truck and trailer, constant abuse and aggression to deal with and now today, have caught a woman vandalising our truck with spray paint.  She claims to be indigenous herself. If that is true, she has just spray painted over the image and names of indigenous elders, meaning she's in big trouble with her community.

I spoke today with the tribal sovereign elders including Aunty Karen Goori (Yuggera/Toorbul) and Aunty Patricia Conlon (Wakka Wakka/Kullilli) and they have stated they intend to deal with this individual using their lore way, and seek an audience with her elders.

The key to “closing the gap” is to remain united and work together as a community to improve the state of affairs that we leave behind for our children.

We stand united with the original people of this land and therefore encourage people to vote no.”


Background: The People's Revolution was founded by Tristan Van Rye in 2020 and is a grass roots community organisation, with a focus on building strong, self reliant communities and creating free thinking individuals through self empowerment.