...largest audience ever. I think the biggest it ever gets is a jury of 12. Alright, I wasn't going to speak today at all. I just came to support what's happening here. But I've got some very interesting news that I've just got last night and today.
There are two key people in the United States have put together proper evidence for criminal prosecutions of Fauci and many, many other parasites that have been living off the people. Now, the two key names remember them because they're important, is a Dr. David Martin and a Dr. Francis Boyle. Dr. Francis Boyle is a lawyer, not a doctor, but he is a senior professor at Harvard University Law School. He was also a senior prosecutor at the International Criminal Court and he's put together a brief.
Now that will affect us here also because whatever crimes have been committed by this cabal of bureaucrats, politicians, crooked cops. Well it fits over here too because the crimes are committed globally and we here in Australia, New Zealand and Britain and Canada have a very unique advantage over other countries, including the United States. Every one of you can prosecute, just like the cops. You can bring a complaint and we'll be filing those complaints on behalf of everybody who's prepared to stand up and prosecute.
Dr. Boyle is talking about breaches of the Nuremberg rules, genocide, murder, conspiracy to murder, and also conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm. Those are our laws here, but they're the same in other countries. And of course, we're also talking about the greatest fraud ever perpetuated in the whole world. Okay.
So we're talking to lawyers in the us, in Britain, Canada, New Zealand, and other places, and we're putting together a team now, not to sue them and class actions at this stage, but to lock 'em up. Now. I've been doing this sort work for over 40 years, so I can kind of do it with my eyes closed, but unless I've got the support of this sort of a crowd behind me, they'll take me out. Alright, so these court cases, they're going to be coming up. We want everybody to turn up for 'em. Tell the judge you want justice. Thank you. Good work, Tristan. Thanks, Jerry.
Now Jerry is a very experienced lawyer, he's a TPR lawyer, and this is what I mean when I say that TPR is backed by experienced professionals from different avenues. We're not going in here blind guys. I'll listen to my advisors and make decisions based on what the advisors are saying. We are an organisation, not a disorganisation. Right. Alright, well, who's getting ready to go for a walk?