Come on. Jace, do you have to jet? No. Come on, give us a short one. And actually my apologies to Jason because I had all the intention of getting him up before the march this time and it just didn't happen. So sorry, brother Mate.

Jason Miles:
It's a privilege always to have a chat. I'll be quick.

So today, 17th of February on this day in 2005, the Kyoto protocols were put into place and the whole scam of climate change with CO2 was kicked into place. It's pretty ironic that we'd have our first rally of the year on the 17th as well, but there was two good news stories. I want to just give a little bit of that. One is dear to me, it's about paedophilia and my family experienced that. And the other one is about what a judge in New Zealand has done. Now, apparently haven't fact checked this one yet, but a New Zealand judge has upheld an appeal by service men and women in New Zealand to overturn the mandate. So he's ordered the Minister of Defence to remove the mandates. That's a really good victory. You didn't hear too much about it, but it was in the press today.

The second one is about paedophilia. And I actually, when I read it, because my sister who's with me today, we had a stepfather that was a paedophile. He died in jail. Thank God he's an absolute disgusting human being. The state of Idaho in America have passed a bill where if you are a sex offender and you take on a child under 12 years of age, you can't be sentenced to death. My first point for that, my first thought wasn't great. My first thought was, why 12? Why not? If I had a 13-year-old daughter, like 12, 13, at what age is it okay for a predator? And I mean boys as well, sorry, I shouldn't just mean the females, but at what age is it? Okay, so I guess 12 years of age is a start, but it's a pretty shitty one in my opinion. But hopefully it deters those people in those parts of the world to stop doing what they're doing.

And I'm going to leave you with a quick one. The final one, I'm on the Goldie at the moment, having a bit of a getaway with my wife. We're living in our caravan at the moment. We're in between, got a coffee this morning and I was chatting with old mate because I like a chat, and I asked him, how did you go through the pandemic? And he was on board with it at the beginning. And then we started chatting and he said to me, oh, looked at the shirt. And he said, oh, you're an anti-vaxxer. You're one of those. And I said, well, it's one badge I wear. I've got a few if you want to keep talking. I said, I'm anti paedophiles as well. And he said, you know what he said? And he was talking to the collective people at the market where I was, because it was at a market on Palm Beach, I think.

And he said, we actually owe you a favour, you and all your people that stood up. And I said, why is that? He said, because I would never ever go down this path again, as in the lockdown, the mandates. And I said to him, what made you realise that things weren't right? And he said, awareness and awareness is within us all. And I said, where'd you get the awareness from? He said, social media, people like you and all your other group speaking up. So the point of that is, and it deserves a hand too. The point of that is we are four years down the path of something that most of us were asleep to. So many people I read and tricky, or someone alluded to today, there are two lanes to freedom. You're either in the freedom lane or you're fucking not. So people that want to take aim at people in the freedom movement, I'm a Christian, I shouldn't swear, but occasionally I get pissed off, get out.

Just get out of it. Let people who want to be in this freedom movement and who are not dictated to do their thing, I'll do me. You do you. That's as hard as it should possibly be, in my opinion. We don't need people telling us, you've got to do this and you've got to do that. The very thing that happened where I live in my area was that people running in the freedom movement for the local council tried to shut down free speech. And I said to these people, is that just not what you have fought for the last four years to have a voice, have public discourse, never lose it. Because if you don't, you're going to end up basically just agreeing to voluntary servitude and you're going to move back to your point of, well, I guess you can call it your point of attention, but it's where they get you.

It's where things go bad. And you go, geez, I'm going to go back to the way things were because that's my point of attention. That's where I was. That's where I'm safe. There is no safe zone if you're in the freedom zone folks. And it's not a democracy we're fighting for. It is freedom. Very different things. Democratic countries are not free. Free. And there's people from the eastern states here that would, I mean Eastern Baltic states that would know that democracy simply means you've got to process freedom means you can do pretty much whatever you like under natural law. Don't break the law. You know what natural law means? You don't need a book to tell you that. The cops don't need to come and remind you that speeding's unlawful. You have natural law. You kind of know it. So stay in the freedom lane, just move the other stuff over.

And by all, and I guess I'll close with this, look after your health, I put a lot of stuff up about health. There's so many people going through cancer. I went down 2000 hours of cancer research with my wife who went through aggressive breast cancer. It was an incredible journey. There is not one treatment for one person. I've got a sister here that had stage four a cancer, 12 and a half months later, she's still with me. And I've given her a rap before. But everybody will pick their own thing. But get this thing right, folks. Get this thing right. It is not hard. You can start tomorrow. God bless you. Thanks for coming.